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max level set at 250
basement under strange mansion in slums
dog pen under laby entrance
newhaven dungeons reconnected added 3 insta regen half-ogre bodyguard which

drop a golden locket give to ghost in slums for 1 plat or wear some abilities added

lots of new gear added starting at lvl 65 sold in bishops attic

lvl 50 spells sold in bishops attic which is a hidden up in bishops room

also a portal room for several areas includeing markus, arlysia, black fort type L in

bishop's attic room to see all portal areas

werewolf area a hidden down room before stock werewolf with a mutant werewolf drops wolf fang necklace
giant thrag type move wall in thrags room
a hidden down at tunnel mouth in lava fields of red dragon's

2 new areas added to dragons teeth hills little ne of rhudaur

4 areas added to barren hills
terror of the hunt 3/790 added to black wastelands drops a nexus sword and black metallic robes
elder ice sorceress a hidden north from ice sorceress room
Danthus the Lich type say dan in dark mages room 17/1773
dracolich 16/1952 wraith spider queen 6/3273 Lady of the Hunt 3/789
Efron The Magus 17/3248 Demonic Enchantress 17/977
Acid Beast 17/789 Dragonlord 17/858 Demon Trolloc 2/30
feather quest adjusted a phoenix emblem added exp 1 mil
level 10 ring quest exp 750k and a alder chest added

Level 15 enhanced powers quests collect  5 spider legs

gain 150,000 exp and 1 maxdamage and 1 crit
level 50 spells and weapons sold or bought
portal room a hidden up in bishops room
lockers hidden up from silvermere town square
fearie queen quest lvl 25 ask queen services kill quickling lord recieve a cloak bracelet and armbands and 5mil exp

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