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Neutral Alignment Quest

1st Neutral
Start, no flags for 126,127, or 128 'ask hooded traveller quest'. (hooded traveller)
127(1) 'ask Jorah gaal'. (Jorah)
127(2) 'ask The Grey Lord code word'. (The Grey Lord)
127(3) 'ask Commander Markus festus', given item 622 ('locked wooden box'). (Commander Markus)
127(4) 'ask The Grey Lord box'. (The Grey Lord)
127(5) 'ask Chancellor Annora festus', item 622 ('locked wooden box') taken. (Chancellor Annora)
127(6) 'ask The Grey Lord return'. (The Grey Lord)

2nd Neutral
127(7) 'ask The Grey Lord eye', item 778 ('eye of the beholder') taken. (The Grey Lord)

3rd Neutral
127(8) 'pray' in room 'Overgrown Shrine'.
127(9) 'summon avatar' in room 'Overgrown Shrine', items 959 ('Ice Tear'), 935 ('Eternal Fire'), 949 ('Heartstone') and 941 ('Storm Spirit') taken.
127(10) 'ask The Grey Lord reward', given item 957 ('adamantite chest'). (The Grey Lord)

4th Neutral
127(11) Kill dark phoenix.
127(12) 'ask The Grey Lord destroyed'. (The Grey Lord)

5th Neutral
127(13) 'ask ancient gypsy woman grey lord'. (ancient gypsy woman)
127(14) 'ask ancient gypsy woman webbing', requires item 1683 ('pile of spectral webbing'). (ancient gypsy woman)
127(15) 'ask ancient gypsy woman heart', requires item 1533 ('ancient blackwood heart'). (ancient gypsy woman)
127(16) 'ask old hermit gift', item 1533 ('ancient blackwood heart') taken, given item 1536 ('jagged bone key'). (old hermit)
127(18) 'ask old man prophecy'. (old man)
127(19) Kill Dark Mage.
127(20) Enter Portal *or* 'ask The Grey Lord knowledge'.
127(21) 'ask The Grey Lord knowledge'. (The Grey Lord) Obsolete in 1.11p
127(28) Kill Zanthus the Lich
127(29) Ask The Grey Lord knowledge
127(30) 'ask The Grey Lord reconcile'. (The Grey Lord, added for quest exp bonus) Obsolete in 1.11p
127(31) *as far as you can go currently*

Item 959 ('Ice Tear') is received when you 'ask water spirit tear' in room 'Ice Jewel Cave'.
Item 935 ('Eternal Fire') is received when you kill 'efreeti'.
Item 949 ('Heartstone') is received when you kill 'gemstone juggernaut'.
Item 941 ('Storm Spirit') is received when you kill 'Kai Master'.
Item 1683 ('pile of spectral webbing') is received when you kill 'arachnigoth' ('Mayor of Arlysia').
Item 1533 ('ancient blackwood heart') is received when you kill 'hanging tree'.

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